That's Just The Way It Is
(updated 11/8/01)
I have a few things I would like to get off my chest. BJ Hardsnore you talk to me as if you have even ever come close to beating me in a one on one match up. Every time I have faced you I have beaten you to with in one inch of your life. The one time you did beat me was because of interference by that retard Kamakazie Korkie. As for me not beating the Thing on my own to win the TWO title, if I remember correctly I beat him without interference from anyone. BJ what makes you think that when we get back in the ring together in the future that things will be different? You will still just be a lightweight, and you will still just get the shit kicked out of you. BJ I really hope you have already found that so called bad ass of a friend cuz then maybe with your combined weights you can come close to being a heavy weight so you can give me a decent challenge in the ring. BJ you may be a stupid dimwhitted retard of a lightweight but I do agree with one thing you have to say and that is and I quote "Lets take 2 to 3 hours out of the time when you could be sleeping, or eating your donuts, or screwing your dog...; or whatever it is you do instead of coming and wrestling and get it done and have some fun." It is time to get back in the ring start beating each others asses and having fun again. I too have a theory BJ and its called the Kaos Theory which means anyone who gets caught in the KAOS is DESTROYED, because I am the biggest, the fastest, the strongest and that's just the way it is.....
-Kid Kaos