Taft Wrestling Organization
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College Takes Away Some Key Players...

It seems that college football has taken away some key players in the TWO's lineup for the current time. Joey Risi AKA "X-L" is playing for Santa Barbara City College (SBCC). He's the teams tight end, and is one of the key contributors in their offense. Risi was the first ever TWO World Champion by defeating Kid Kaos in the tournament finals of the first TWO event. He actually never lost the title though, as it became vacant after an extended period of time with the TWO not putting on shows. Chad "Kid Kaos" Brown is another key member of this organization that is missing in action. Chad is currently a member of the California-Lutheran University football team. As of press time, I'm unsure of the position he plays, but if his high school career is any indication, he's a key player on that team as well. Kaos was the 3rd TWO World Champion, defeating The Thing for the illustrious title. Jimmy Fox AKA "The Fox" is the final member of the TWO who is taking a leave of absence due to football obligations. He is also a member of the California-Lutheran University football team. I also have no info on what position he plays, but he is a very athletic individual with a ton of charisma. Fox is quite possibly the best TWO member in terms of talking on the mic. Fox defeated Mr. Popular for the I-C Title, his only gold thus far in the TWO. "Kamakazee" Cody Raffery is only TWO member to take a leave of absence due to college itself. He is attending Arizona State University, and the trek back and forth is just a touch too far in order to make it back for most of the events, however, you can probably expect to see him make a few appearances during the hollidays, and once the ASU school year is done. This is four huge blows to the talent roster as all of these guys have been involved in a TWO World Title match in some form or another.

E - M A I L H O M E T O P